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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is medical tourism?

Why do people become medical tourists?

What services are provided by Medical Tourism Solutions?

What is the typical cost difference associated with medical tourism?

Why is it so much more expensive in the U.S.?

How do I know that the hospitals and doctors are of the highest quality?

Will I be able to choose/communicate with my doctor before deciding?

Is it safe to travel so far to receive surgical procedures?

What if I want a procedure that is not listed on the website?

Why should I choose Medical Tourism Solutions?

Medical Tourism Solutions recognizes that choosing to go abroad for healthcare services is a difficult decision for one to make, and the concern you may have may not have been addressed in the above questions. We encourage you to contact us if you have any additional questions so we may attend to your particular situation.

Q: What is medical tourism?

A: Medical tourism is simply the act of traveling to another country to obtain medical services. Historically people did so in order to seek out higher quality care than they could find in their own country. Advances in technology now facilitate international travel with ease, allowing greater numbers of people access to these markets. The end result is one can get access to high-quality medical care at reasonable prices through crossing international borders.

Q: Why do people become medical tourists?

A: There are two typical reasons for one to choose medical tourism: cost savings or immediacy of care. With the ever increasing costs of healthcare in the U.S. people are now looking abroad for more affordable options. Or, in the case of countries with socialized medicine, many patients cannot wait months on end to receive treatment at home and are willing to pay the reasonable price of going abroad and obtaining care on their own.

Q: What services are provided by Medical Tourism Solutions?

A: Medical Tourism Solutions is a full-service medical tourism operator. That means we will assist you throughout your entire medical tourism experience, from start to finish. We will provide detailed information on doctors, hospitals, and countries to allow you to make the most informed and educated decision possible. We will take care of all the logistics associated with your trip, from coordinating with your current doctor, to hotel reservations, transportation, and related tourism options, in order to remove the stress from this complicated process. And, if anything ever comes up, we will have someone there for you to call on, whether it is before you leave, on the ground in your destination of choice, or even when you are safely back in the comfort of your own home.

Q: What is the typical cost difference associated with medical tourism?

A: Much of this depends upon your country of choice and what medical procedure you are looking for. For most procedures the cost difference is about a 50-80% savings over what is charged in the U.S. In some cases (cardiac or some transplants), the cost difference approaches 85-90% savings. For example, a procedure that is quoted in the U.S. at about $10,000 could be obtained abroad for $2,000-5,000, thus leaving enough savings to buy round-trip airfare, spend some time recovering in five-star hotels, and do some sight-seeing or shopping.

Q: Why is it so much more expensive in the U.S.?

A: There are a number of factors that influence the difference in prices internationally. One of the primary factors that is commonly cited to explain the high U.S. prices is administrative costs. Most estimates put administrative costs at over 50% of the price, making this the leading cause of waste in the U.S. healthcare market. Other factors include a lower wage scale, lower prices paid for implants or drugs, advantages gained through currency exchange rates, and lower malpractice premiums.

Q: How do I know that the hospitals and doctors are of the highest quality?

A: This is why one should use a reputable medical tourism operator. At Medical Tourism Solutions, we have spent extensive time in each country we operate in to ensure care of the highest quality. This includes establishing personal relationships with all of our partners, personally touring all facilities to ascertain compliance with our rigorous standards, and even using our care providers for personal medical needs. In addition, the majority of doctors we work with have trained in the U.S. and remain board certified. Plus, most of our hospitals are internationally accredited or are working towards that certification. We believe that when you have more information to make a decision it will lead to a higher quality choice, so if you ever want any further details about your doctor or hospital, we will be happy to provide them.

Q: Will I be able to choose/communicate with my doctor before deciding?

A: Yes, at Medical Tourism Solutions we will provide you with all the information you require before making a decision. All of our doctors use email and instant messenger, and phone calls/video conferences will be arranged prior to departure. Additionally, we will facilitate communication between your chosen surgeon and your doctor at home.

Q: Is it safe to travel so far to receive surgical procedures?

A: Before making travel plans, all patients will consult with their chosen doctor to ensure safe travel arrangements. Many of the surgical procedures performed are non-invasive, allowing patients to be traveling within days of receiving the actual operation. For other, more intensive procedures, travel plans will be dictated by the doctor’s recommendations.

Q: What if I want a procedure that is not listed on the website?

A: The procedures listed are some of the most common offerings, but not necessarily a complete listing. Please contact one of our service representatives with more details and we will inform you of a possible match with one of our partner doctors.

Q: Why should I choose Medical Tourism Solutions?

A: Most importantly because we are a company dedicated to providing the highest quality services at prices anyone can afford. One should never sacrifice quality when it comes to healthcare, and this idea is paramount to our operating procedures. On top of our reputation for quality, we would also like to emphasize our commitment to the communities in which we operate. Medical Tourism Solutions is a company with a conscience. We were formed partly in reaction to the escalating costs of healthcare at home, which are rendering such services unavailable to large segments of the population. The idea behind this company is to allow access to needed medical procedures for the majority of the population in a socially conscious manner. Furthermore, many medical tourism operators are hesitant to admit this, but there exists some criticism of the medical tourism industry in general, for diverting resources away from the resident population. At Medical Tourism Solutions we are aware of this phenomenon and have initiated a community action program in which a percentage of our profits will be reinvested in the communities in which we operate.

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