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Example Medical Tourism Package

Below you will find a summary of the experience Medical Tourism Solutions can provide. Each client will be able to design their own customized health care vacations to suit their specific needs.

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Domestic Director Introduction

Once the online information form is filled out you will be contacted by your Domestic Director to begin detailing your specific needs. Medical Tourism Solutions can provide clarity with each of your personal options to address all of your questions and concerns before moving forward. More info on our Domestic Directors...

Review your medical tourism options

As your Domestic Director becomes more familiar your medical needs, they can provide clear information about your medical/surgical options as well as for the travel or logistical needs involved in your medical tourism package. Destination options...

Doctor & Surgeon Introduction

As soon as you feel well informed about your options, your Domestic Director can begin introducing you to the doctors, surgeons and hospitals you would like to review. Through email, teleconference and video conference, you can get to know your medical providers personally before making any commitments. We are proud of our provider network and invite you inquire about any and all medical/surgical options. Meet our medical providers...

Medical Document Review

Once you have selected your health care provider, Medical Tourism Solutions will help you transfer any necessary medical documents (X-ray, MRI, physician evals, etc) or other pertinent information to help inform your medical provider and prepare for your arrival.

Medical Clarification

At this point, you will have all of the necessary information for your medical travel & will be better informed to ask more specific questions directly to your chosen medical provider. This period will allow you to make the best decision to suit your medical needs as well as create a personal relationship with your doctor or surgeon. Our medical practitioners are available for correspondence over the phone, with video chat to enable a more thorough medical review, and over email & internet chat for your convenience.

Price Estimate

As we develop your customized package, the prices for each variable you select will be assessed relative to your medical & travel needs. Before moving forward, Medical Tourism Solutions will inform you as to what costs to expect with the package you have directed us to design. Compare prices...

Destination Director

At the same time, you will be introduced to your Destination Director (DD) to begin coordinating travel plans and logistical necessities. This process will also allow you to finalize and clarify any further price questions or information you might need answered. The DD will be your personal companion throughout your experience, and will ensure a smooth and comfortable process. More info on Destination Directors...


With a simple bank transfer you can confirm your trip and approve your chosen itinerary. Medical Tourism Solutions will not require full payment until after you have met with your medical provider and provided authorization to continue. You will never have to pay for more than the services you have already received.

Airport Departure & Destination Director Introduction

If you prefer we can send our Destination Director (DD) to travel with you, or they can greet you at your destination airport. You will be taken directly to your chosen accommodation in a private car & check-in logistics will be handled by your DD.

Doctor Introduction & Informed Medical Consent

After hotel arrival & schedule review, your DD will escort you to meet your personal medical provider. At this initial appointment, your doctor or surgeon will finalize the prior medical review and inform you on all variables involved in your medical procedure. After your initial consultation & informed consent, your DD will be happy to take you around your destination for any tourism you might be interested in prior to your medical procedure.

Medical Surgical Procedure

During the medical/surgical process, be it a four week orthopedic program, or a 20 minute ambulatory procedure, your DD will be on-site constantly to review progress & update family & friends who are traveling with you or awaiting your return home. More info on procedures...

Recuperation & Relaxation

One your doctor releases you from the recovery room, your DD will escort you back to your accommodations for some quality R&R. Everything will be handled for you, and your DD will be on hand for any questions or specifications to ensure an easy and relaxing recovery. This is the facet in which our DD excels. Every instant of your recovery will be overviewed by your DD to provide the most quality experience available in the world.

Follow-up, Continued Relationship

Medical Tourism Solutions recognizes that the majority of health care maladies cannot be resolved in a short period of time but are better managed over a long-term commitment to health. For this reason our clients will never be alienated post-travel and our network will always remain available to our past clients. We are currently working with US insurance providers to institute a post-travel care insurance plan, to ensure our clients healthy longevity for not just a vacation but their entire lives.

We look forward to speaking with you.

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