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Medical Excellence with Affordable Luxury …

Our Vision


At Medical Tourism Solutions we think of health care as the provision of well being and the highest enjoyment of life.

Image of a Doctor Consulting a Patient
More than a solution to your medical problems, our personalized health vacations compliment your experience with some of the best health spas and accommodations in the world to inspire you to return living a better, healthier life.

Health, when thought of simply as the absence of disease, is a standard of mediocrity, but when thought of as a quality of life is a standard of inspiration and ever-increasing achievement.

The vision of Medical Tourism Solutions is to provide the world access to excellent health care, and maintain a positive relationship with the economies and communities with whom we interact. With the impending reality of globalization, international organizations like Medical Tourism Solutions will need to be responsible for the impact they create in each location where services are provided. Our goal is to ensure that this impact is a positive one. Through social improvement mechanisms like subsidized health care and surgical procedures for the local community, Medical Tourism Solutions will do our best to make the health care situation of the entire global population a positive one.

Image of Doctor working on a Laptop

A Personal Relationship with Your Doctor

Medical Tourism Solutions will be with you from the moment we are contacted. Our inspiration is helping our clients form a personal relationship with the doctor, dentist or surgeon of their choice, and providing a space that provides complete comfort with each and every one of our health care providers. Through our Internet and telecommunication technologies such as video- and tele-conferencing, digitized medical documentation, as well as virtual office tours and video documentaries, you will have the means to form a personal relationship with your doctor and all involved in your health vacation experience. Get to know your health care providers…

Cost Savings

Medical Tourism Solutions has negotiated agreements with the foremost dentists, surgeons, doctors, nurses, hospitals, and logistical services in Latin America. From your complete flight itinerary and medical proceedings, to accommodations and tourism services, we provide savings throughout your entire vacation. Medical Tourism Solutions can provide up to 80% off the price of medical and surgical fees in the United States, Canada and Europe, with the same standards of excellence and medical professionalism. Price descriptions…

Personalized, Detailed Service

Medical Tourism Solutions will be with you from the initiation of your health tourism experience, through the recovery and follow–up process, and not just months but years after your medical tourism experience. We recognize that health is not found in a vacation but a through life long aspiration. Our mission is to provide a holistic health care experience that provides inspiration for the rest of your life.

For that reason Medical Tourism Solutions will provide you with personal assistants and translators at every door, nursing and physical therapy assistants at every step, and luxurious accommodations health spas and tourism options to compliment the most detailed and organized health and lifestyle vacation available in the world. The very operators that help you find health care providers and design your medical vacation will be with you on the ground as well, ensuring a safe, comfortable and luxurious experience. More about personalized, therapeutic services and providers…

Introduction, Health Care Consultation, Vacation Design

The introductory period involves getting to know your medical predisposition, what therapeutic and medical services you desire, and what health care providers you would like to contact. Once determined, Medical Tourism Solutions will begin arranging telecommunication correspondences with the dentist, doctor, or surgeon of your choice, and place you in contact with our surgical destination coordinator, in order to customize your services and highlight itinerary, accommodation, and logistical preferences.
Read more about our on- and off-site coordinators…

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  POPULAR PROCEDURES | Cosmetic Surgery | Dental Care | Refractive Surgery & Ophthalmology | Orthopedic Medicine | Bariatric Surgery & Weight-loss Medicine
  SPECIAL SECTIONS | Be Informed | Community Involvement | Health Care Packages
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