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  Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic Surgery

Rejuvenate your body through advanced orthopedic care…

Orthopedic Professionals and Surgeons

Image of Hip X-Ray
With the aging Baby Boomer population in the U.S. and the increased stress that the U.S. healthcare system is experiencing, more and more people are turning to medical tourism for solutions. Orthopaedic medicine is no exception to this trend, and as such Medical Tourism Solutions is working to offer to the same quality of healthcare found in our other services for these orthopedic patients.

Professional Certification

Our selected surgeons typically have trained in the U.S. at major hospitals and universities and maintain membership in American Surgical Societies, such as the American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine (AAOM). In addition, we prefer surgeons that regularly attend international conferences and remain up-to-date on the latest surgical techniques. Our company philosophy is to not offer a procedure until we have found a provider who surpasses our rigorous standards. To such end, we are currently investigating orthopedic surgeons and will be adding these to our offerings shortly.


Available Procedures: Orthopedic and Arthroscopic Surgery

Image of Old Hand

Hand & Foot Surgery
Reconstructive Surgery
Hip Replacement

Hip Resurfacing
Shoulder Replacement
Joint Replacement
Arthroscopic Surgery
Physical Therapy
Other Orthopedic Surgeries

Getting To Know Your Doctor

Once you have decided which of our health care providers you would like to contact, we will initiate a correspondence that will allow you to become familiar with your orthopedic surgeon and medical providers on a personal level. Through telephone, internet chat, and video conferencing and consultations, international health care has become accessible to everyone.

Medical Tourism Solutions recognizes the necessity of a personal relationship with your orthopedic professional in order to create an environment of comfort and well-being. Allow us to facilitate a safe and comfortable international healthcare trip.

Image of X-ray Tech

Continued Expansion

While the list of medical providers will continue expanding, Medical Tourism Solutions is committed to thoroughly review each doctor, dentist and surgeon in order to feature only the foremost medical professionals. In Colombia alone, we have reviewed over one hundred providers, and selected only a small few to work with, due to their expertise and qualifications in the international medical fields. Check back to review our new alliances as we add new offerings and services.

Can’t Find What You Need?

If you are unable to find the specific health care assistance on our website that you are looking for, please send us an email or give us a call. We would be happy to discuss your medical needs and provide you with the information you are looking for.

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