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  Refractive Procedures & Eye Surgery

Refractive Procedures & Cosmetic Eye Surgery

Receive a new vision of clarity, health & beauty…

More Than Affordable LASIK

Image of a Woman's Face with Beautiful Green Eyes
For many people, their vision of medical tourism is simply a way to get affordable LASIK, but this is no longer the case. International ophthalmology has advanced to the point that there are multiple cosmetic eye surgery procedures that are worth considering. Take a look at the list of available procedures below to learn what Medical Tourism Solutions has to offer.

Quality of Equipment

One of the first questions that come up when considering cosmetic eye surgery abroad is the quality of the equipment being used. This concern is especially important when looking for affordable LASIK as this is an area where some facilities cut corners. Let Medical Tourism Solutions assure you that our international ophthalmology clinics and hospitals use modern and up to date lasers purchased in the U.S., and techniques learned in their training in the States. Eye doctors...

How is the Price so Low?

When looking for affordable LASIK or any other cosmetic eye surgery procedure, our low prices typically cause one to pause. How are they so low? Medical tourism has allowed for the provision of international ophthalmology at affordable prices through applying the same benefits of outsourcing that help all industries. Exchange rate benefits, lower cost of labor, and a lower cost of living are factors among others. Our representatives would be happy to explain how to the benefits of cosmetic eye surgery abroad can work for you. Prices...

Available Refractive and Eye Surgery Procedures:

Image of Doctor's Stethescope, Eye Chart, and Prescription Pad and Pen
Vitreo-Retinal Surgical procedures
Ocular Oncology
Refractive Surgery
Cataract Surgery
Corneal Surgery
Eyelid Surgery
Oculoplastic Surgery

Image of Two Doctors Working

More Information

For more information on affordable LASIK and other types of cosmetic eye surgery, contact one of our representatives to begin you investigation. International ophthalmology is now accessible to anyone with a passport. Let us bring these benefits to you

Can’t Find What You Need?

The procedures listed above are just some of the many potential options that international ophthalmology has made available. While affordable LASIK has become more prevalent recently, we would be happy to introduce you to the multitude of other options that we have access to through our global medical network. Contact us...

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