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Cosmetic Plastic Surgery with Medical Tourism Solutions

Discover the opportunity to be your best with Medical Tourism Solutions

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Medical Tourism and
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

With the ability to save up to 80% off of U.S. prices through medical tourism, it is no wonder that the elective surgery market is booming overseas. At one time the flow of patients traveling for such procedures primarily was coming to the U.S. because of the technology and training available. Globalization and the prevalence of international students at U.S. medical facilities have now enabled people to obtain care of the same quality all over the world at a fraction of the price.

Available Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Options:

Facial Procedures
Brow Lift (Forehead Lift)
Chin & Cheek Implants
Eyelid Tuck
Forehead Lift (Brow lift)
Lip Augmentation
Nose Job
Permanent Make-up
Skin Care

Breast Surgery Procedures
Breast Lift
Breast Reduction
Breast Implants
Pectoral Implants (Men)
Breast Augmentation

Other Cosmetic Procedures
Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)
Upper Arm Lift
Mesotherapy Cellulite
Hair Removal
Spider Veins
Stretch Marks
Tattoo Removal
Tummy Tuck
Post Weight Loss Surgery
General Plastic or Cosmetic Procedures

Image of a Woman Measuring her Waist

Privacy and Anonymity

Ever wished you could recover in anonymity, without the whole world knowing you underwent a procedure? With medical tourism you can. Go abroad; learn a little about a new location, and return home with a new appearance and nobody has to know the details. Medical Tourism Solutions respects the privacy of our clients and will never share personal information without your permission. Next time someone tells you how good you look and asks where you went on vacation, you can just smile and say you have a great travel agent.

Outpatient Procedures

In addition, plastic surgery procedures are well suited for medical tourism. If one is going to travel for surgical care, the less invasive a procedure, there are less risk factors that come into play. A typical plastic or cosmetic surgery procedure does not require an overnight hospital stay as they are minimally invasive. As a result, a 7 to 10 day stay is typically enough time to fully recover and be ready to travel home comfortably. Ask Medical Tourism Solutions what is appropriate in each individual case though, and be sure to consult with your surgeon of choice in this matter.

Can’t Find What You Need?

The list of procedures above is a sample of what is available through Medical Tourism Solutions. If you have questions about treatments not listed, or would just like further information, please contact us by phone or via email. One of our representatives would be happy to assist you in your international healthcare search.

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