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International Hospitals and Outpatient Clinics

Discover the comfort and privacy your health care dollar hasn't permitted...


Much of the focus in medical tourism has been on accreditation for good reasons. Organizations such as the Joint Commission International (JCI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are some of the most common brands seen when assessing the quality of an international hospital. JCI is probably the most recognized, but when considering an outpatient clinic or cosmetic surgery center, these facilities are simply too small to get this type of accreditation. This is where ISO comes in; allowing patients to see that there is some oversight for these facilities. Medical Tourism Solutions recognizes the value of this type of certification and prefers providers that go to these lengths to demonstrate their quality.

Image of Doctor Attending Patient

Hospitals & Clinics:

Comfort and Privacy

With the cost of health care in most countries, privacy and comfort are areas that are generally suffer as a result. Medical tourism provides cost savings that bring these values back to the table for the health care consumer. Private rooms and personal service are the norm at an international hospital or outpatient clinic involved in medical tourism. While the cosmetic surgery center is the most visible of the medical tourism industry, this is expanding rapidly into all types of care that can be planned in advance.
Our values...

Image of Hospital Room

Personal Attention

How long did you wait to be seen the last time you went to the doctor? How about how long it took a nurse to attend to you when you called? Medical tourism alleviates these issues by focusing on the personal aspects of health care and increased levels of attention from all members of an international hospital staff. Even greater exclusivity and attention can sometimes be found at an outpatient clinic or cosmetic surgery center. Let Medical Tourism Solutions introduce you to our network of specialized facilities...
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Seamless Integration

To have a quality experience at an international hospital, it requires all aspects of your trip to be planned in concert with each other. Even if only going to an outpatient clinic or cosmetic surgery center, it is helpful to ensure your time is spent relaxing and recovering rather than thinking about how to get home after your procedure. Medical Tourism Solutions has done the preparation for you. Enjoy the comfort of knowing someone is there to be with you throughout the process.
Price explanations...

Image of MRI Room

Let Us Help You

The goal at Medical Tourism Solutions is transparency and patient satisfaction. Let us assist you in your search for an international hospital, outpatient clinic, or cosmetic surgery center. We’re here to help, so contact one of our representatives today to get started on the most unique health care experience of your life.
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