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Bariatric Surgeons

Find your inspiration through weight loss & healthy living…

Image of Weight Loss Girl

Featured Bariatric Surgeons
& Weight Loss Specialists:

Bariatric Doctors & Weight-Loss Specialists

Please select from the list of bariatric doctors on the left to learn about our weight loss & prevention programs. Or select from the list below to learn more about the bariatric medical and surgical procedures, as well as weight-loss programs available through Medical Tourism Solutions.

Accreditation & Review

All of the bariatric doctors, surgeons, hospitals, and health care providers that will be involved in your weight loss & health tourism vacation have been certified, accredited, and are regularly reviewed to ensure safety and professionalism. Please take the time to get know our medical and health care providers, as well as the relationship Medical Tourism Solutions can provide for you.

Restrictive Procedures

Vertical Ring Gastroplasty
Fixed or Adjustable Gastric Band
Intragastric Balloon

Restrictive & Malapsortive Procedures

Laparoscopic or Minimally Invasive Surgery
Gastric Bypass Surgery

Malapsortive Procedures

Biliopancreatic Diversion
Biliopancreatic Diversion with “duodenal switch”
Extended Roux-en-y (Distal) Gastric Bypass (RYGVP-E)

Response to the Obesity Epidemic

Overweight and obesity are medical problems of pandemic proportions that are creating a major strain on the international health care industry and the millions of affected families and friends. Medical Tourism Solutions has designed an accessible response to aide in the struggle against the disease of obesity and its associated complications such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease and hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, many types of cancer, chronic musculoskeletal problems, and depression.

Dedicated to Improving Health

Medical Tourism Solutions has dedicated itself to the struggle against obesity around the world, in order to put a stop to health complications in later years and facilitate a more fulfilling life. With our medical partner’s health care, weight-loss programs and surgical interventions, our clients will return home inspired and prepared to live long and healthy lives.

All Encompassing Weight-Loss Programs

We recognize that bariatric medicine should integrate a number of different approaches in order to provide a more holistic and all encompassing response to problems of weight-loss. Obesity is not merely a medical problem and needs to be addressed through consideration of health and nutritional variables, physical activity and lifestyle, as well as family history, stress, career and general mental health.

When responded to correctly, those who so desire can mediate the stress of obesity, which provides a new outlook on life and how one lives it. Medical Tourism Solutions invites you to review our website and health care partners, as well as the weight-loss packages we can customize upon request.

Image of Scale

Getting To Know Your Doctor

Once you have decided which of our health care providers you would like to contact, we will initiate a correspondence to allow you to become familiar with your surgeon and medical providers much more personally. Through telephone, internet chat, as well as video conferencing and consultations, international health care has become accessible for everyone.

Medical Tourism Solutions recognizes the necessity of a personal relationship with your physician, surgeon or dentist in order to create an environment of comfort and well being.

Please allow us to accommodate you through the greatest health care and healing experience of your life.

Continued Expansion

While the list of medical providers will continue expanding, Medical Tourism Solutions is committed to thoroughly review each doctor, dentist and surgeon in order to feature only the foremost medical professionals in each destination. In Colombia alone, we have reviewed over one hundred providers, and selected only a few to work with, due to their expertise and qualifications in the international medical fields. We are currently negotiating with a number of new providers that we are excited to feature in the upcoming months.

Can’t Find What You Need?

If you are unable to find the specific health care assistance you are looking for, Medical Tourism Solutions will nonetheless have a medical network available for introduction. Through our years of experience in the Latin American Medical industry, we have created a large, diverse community of health care providers that will be able to answer whatever questions you might have pertaining to a procedure, or preventative treatments unlisted on our web site.

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  POPULAR PROCEDURES | Cosmetic Surgery | Dental Care | Refractive Surgery & Ophthalmology | Orthopedic Medicine | Bariatric Surgery & Weight-loss Medicine
  SPECIAL SECTIONS | Be Informed | Community Involvement | Health Care Packages


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